K i m i . g a . i t a k a r a
By the time you read this, the FIELD OF VIEW is already a memory. (Hiks)
Yeah, they've disbanded. And I can't even see their last live show! (May, gomen
ne. I can't keep my promise...)
Though it hurts sometimes to maintain this site, but tFOV had brought colorful moments
to me this one and a half year, so... I'll keep it running.
D e a r . o l d . d a y s
09.1994: with the label view, Takashi Oda (guitar),
U-ya Asaoka (vocal), Jun Abe (keyboard), and
Takuto Kohashi (drums), banded and released Ano toki no naka
de bokura wa.
05.1995: a debut single Kimi ga itakara under the flag FIELD OF VIEW.
03.1996: 4th single DANDAN Kokoro Hikareteku released with only 3 of member, after the
leaving of Abe.
05.1996: 5th single DOKI, first single for the new member
Kenji Niitsu (bass).
05.2001: As the 18th single released, the name was changed into the FIELD OF
. This site is a memorial site of tFOV; from fans for fans, no
intention of intriguing any copyrights
. Started on 06.25.2001
. v5.0 released on 12.2002
. Last updated on 03.11.2003
. Japanese Text Support required for some pages
Dear All, thank you for visiting this page
Since it's no longer active, in case you want to contact me or just say hi as a FOV fan, please go to my blogs:
Project i-LaMB
Living Daisy
The name is kept until...
K i t t o . h a n a r e t e i t e . m o
07.2002: tFOV declared their dispersion, with the 20th single Melody as the last melody of theirs.
11.2002: the last live show held in Osaka and Tokyo.
I'm . thinking . a . lot . of . you
>> P R O F I L E
S h i n k i r o u . E v e r y n i g h t . e v e r y
d a y
Even though tFOV is now only exist in our memory, letting the memory be a
colorful memory is not a crime. (Oh, what am I trying to say?) Well, here
are the places to bring tFOV close to you.
D r e a m s . mitsuzukete . ima . mo
I . W a n t... M o u . i c h i d o u
>> L I N K
>> W E B R I N G
PROMISE YOU . A s h i t a . n o . t a m e n i
And so this site will no longer stand alone. After a farewell, one has to
move on, don't you think? Another band? Oh, no! Though yes I have become a
little more rockie recently - you know, Laruku's tone - and sometimes that
makes me wanna make at least one page of Laruku. But I can't bear any more losing. So...? Let's back to basic, back to where all this love for FOV (and
other bands) came from... which is...
. Song title remix: Kimi ga itakara, Dear Old Days, Kitto hanareteite mo, I'm thinking a lot of you,
Shinkirou, Dakishimetai ~ everynight everyday, Dreams, Yume mitsuzukete ima mo, I Want...,
Mou ichidou, PROMISE YOU, Ashita no tameni
. All songs performed by (the) FIELD OF VIEW