Name: ino
E-mail: binoba@lovemail.com
Comment: Mudah-mudahan kamu jadi Web Master yang handal. Jangan lupa tentang Bandung. Flower City is waiting for your 24bit of loves. |
Name: Ryu
E-mail: m.christ@mailcity.com
Comment: hajimemashite... it's a cool site make another improvement and it will be more exciting...trust me
Name: matshushita
E-mail: ehem@here.com
URL: http://www.bla-bla-bla.org
Comment: Hi. O o ....
Name: TruNks
E-mail: cscheungbj@hotmail.com
URL: http://trunkszjfanpage.cjb.net
Comment: Hello Dessy, nice hp of tFOV you have here. Thanks for visiting and signing my
guestbook! Nice of you to notify me about the namechange. You are linked now in "the FIELD OF VIEW" ;)
Name: Melisa
E-mail: noobow@lovemail.com
Comment: Wahh keren juga nihh...
Name: Andy Prihatmoko
E-mail: andyp@cbn.net.id
URL: http://andyp.n3.net
Comment: Bukannya aku ga mau nulis mail lagi... gomen, aku lagi refreshing pikiranku beberapa minggu terakhir
ini. BTW, kenapa link nya langsung ke front page HPku? Setelah reinstall harddisk
baruku, aku akan u/l HPku terakhir dgn banner Moments di banner ads rotasi
Name: mohammad arif nurhadi
E-mail: amurohip@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/amurohip/
Comment: Homepage kamu catik sekali sip deh pokonya, itte mairimasu
Name: mohammad arif nurhadi
E-mail: amurohip@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/amurohip/
Comment: Tampilkan foto personil tFOVnya oke! itte mairimasu
Name: Arif
E-mail: m_arif_w@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/cahsleman
Comment: Ohayo guzaimasu. I was viewing Okto's guest book and found your message on his GB. I ever learned nihongo but I forgot everything. Domo arigato
Name: mohammad arif nurhadi
E-mail: amurohip@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/amurohip/
Comment: Hai dessy, thanks for your support and any what's news
Name: Ryutaki Leo
E-mail: ryutaki_leo@lovemail.com
URL: underconstruction@homepage.com
Comment: I think this h/p is need some more stuff, ex: lyrics, pics, wallpaper, MP3, and others J-Artist (as an additional). If u need any help for me , just asking me a favor and i'll help you. By the way, i'm also a programmer, graphic designer, web designer,
Name: iwacyber
E-mail: iwa@journalist.com
Comment: Gambatte kudasai ne! Bikin bagus lagi dong..! Emh..lirik lagu, acara TV berbau Jepang,..mm..beasiswa ke Jepang,..mmh, kenalan orang Jepang,...mm..MP3 lagu JEpang terbaru! Arigato gozaimashita!
Name: 刹那
E-mail: kusana@lycos.ne.jp
Comment: I saw you at Singo-Katsurayama official.BBS. Nice to meet you. At first,I say my English is very cheap,so sorry. Now,I'm very glad. Becauce,Singo's fan from
Indonasia! He is very nice guy!(ofcouce you know)(^_^)b We are supported with him,please
Name: setuna
E-mail: kusana@lycos.ne.jp
Comment: Dear Dessy♪ How are you, do you likes FOV, isn’t it ? Dessy like Mr. ODAGIRI and
Mr. Katsurayama same with, me too. Mr. ODAGIRI has appeared in television
programs very much now. And it has appeared also in the magazine in many
numbers. As for Mr.
Name: may
E-mail: mayfov@nifty.com
URL: http://homepage1.nifty.com/wonder-fov/
Comment: Hello!!Very cool site!!I love it. It's the first fan site except for Japan, isn't it? I'm very happy because you make such a good site! It's good if everyone in the world know
tFOV. Let's talk about "Lovely Uya" more!! I'll send a e-mail again!
Name: Andy Prihatmoko
E-mail: andyp@cbn.net.id
URL: http://andyp.n3.net
Comment: Sugoi! Congratulation. This is your first HP? I visited your HP before but there was no guest book. When I visited again, I was confused "where the guest book is". Reading your email again...
aaah, "Fan of View". I thought the link was the "Field of View"
Name: saco
E-mail: sachiko@dg7.so-net.ne.jp
Comment: Hi! I'm may's friend! Nice meeting you! I really love tFOV, especially Uya!! I hope to enjoy talking with you all about tFOV and a lot of other things!
Name: Hayu
E-mail: hayu_id@yahoo.com
Comment: Very great! Where did you get so much information about tFOV? But still tFOV pictures aren't available!(uhh...it's so hard to get them)Keep Updating, especially about Takashi-kun!!
Name: sagita
E-mail: sagitaeckwib@yahoo.com
Comment: sugee...kakkoi kono HP.Kapan-kapan datang lagi dech...J-Popsnya un...suteki...zo....ganbatte...ne
Name: Welly
E-mail: dramajepang@lycos.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/dramajepang
Comment: Homepage yang bagus! designya rapi!
Name: Erima
E-mail: ima@fushigiyuugi.net
Comment: Konnichiwa....!!! Anata no HP sugoi ne! Kapan-kapan ajarin ima bikin ya!! ^_^
Name: Okto
E-mail: oktopm@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.okto.f2s.com
Comment: Bagus! Soal lagu jepang aku suka dengerin juga, tapi tidak
apal. Situsmu ini akan lebih bagus jika diberi download lagu2 jp paling tidak MIDI. Soal open new window, bisa pakai
Javascript, tetapi ada yg lebih mudah & belum kuketahui kekurangannya dibanding
Javascript, malah lebih baik karena bisa click kanan. Tambahkan saja
"TARGET=nama_apa_saja" pada HREF-nya. Contoh Homepage Okto Makasih isi
gb-ku. Omong2 fotomu mana? Salam.
Name: ino
E-mail: binoba@lovemail.com
Comment: I'm so curious about J-Band. Please give me more information.