Special Fanscript: Spirit of Love 「ヤマトのラブストリー」

This one has nothing to do with tFOV (except ending theme "Kiseki no hana" is sung by tFOV).

But as the moment of Valentine is around, and I read again this story, I think it's a right time to publish it. I made it last year, when I was very involved by the digivolving song of Digimon Adventure Brave Heart.

Moreover, now I'm madly in love with tFOV' Kiseki no hana, and I want this song to be a theme song for something so badly, so... I insert this song as ending theme! The term "flower of miracle" is very match to the story.

I've always wanted to write or draw something with a certain song as the theme song. After Brave Heart and Kiseki no hana, I want Mouichido and Rainy day by tFOV as a theme. Anyone who have already made it, please share it with me! (^^)

The story is about the coolest kid in Digimon Adventure (^^;) Yamato Ishida.
This is in Indonesian only, sorry.

»» S T A R T  R E A D I N G



Aku selalu percaya padamu, Yamato. Aku selalu ingin melindungi dan mendukungmu.
Kalau ada yang mengatakan aku tidak boleh bersamamu… aku tidak mengerti, Yamato!
[Gabumon adalah digimon yang pemalu, lugu, dan perasa. Wajahnya saat ini mirip dengan wajahnya ketika menyadarkan Yamato dari kegelapan hatinya di DG Adv 1 eps. 30]





(memeluk Gabumon) Gabumon, kau benar. Terima kasih.
(berdiri) Aku… aku harus cepat! Aku pergi dulu, Gabumon!

Well, some fun and sweet moments in a fine monochrome... Ending theme, "Kiseki no hana" sebagai latar belakang.

Nama pengisi suara dan crew mulai muncul.

kiseki no hana saitanara ZERO kara hajimerareru
nanni mo nai basho kara umarete kitajanai?
KATACHI nai KATACHI naraba na wo tsukeyou
kimi no mikata de iru yo zutto kore kara mo...

Colorful Moments