J-stuff link

It's a quite loose category. But sorry, these sites are about my favorite J-stuff only. Please don't expect me to include anything outside that. ^_^b I know it sounds selfish, but I cannot handle such a big scope of J-stuff!!
If you need to access that wide area of J-stuff, you may jump up from the WebRing
These links will open a new window.

Katsurayama Shingo official website

Language: Japanese
This is official homepage of Katsurayama Shingo. Who is he? He's Ichijou-san from Kamen Rider Kuuga! It's been updated, with more pictures!! (^^) I'm very very happy with this!!

Zard official website

Language: Japanese
It's Zard official site. With pictures from CD jacket, music sample, and such as. Izumi Sakai is my admired artist! ^^ I don't have real player, so I can't hear the music sample, it's in ram extension... But Zard's songs are lot easier to get in Indonesia, not like tFOV!

Japanese about

Language: English
All about Japan. Anything you want to know, may be answered here. Also when I was looking for "Shinkirou". This word is not appear in my dictionary. ^^. But this site is not about language only! This is a gate to other sites of Japan-related.

Joe Odagiri official website

Language: Japanese
Official website of Joe Odagiri!! He's... of course Godai-san in Kuuga! (^^) It's a nice site. Very warm for off-site. Well, at least I felt very welcome there, you know, as fans! I felt like visiting a friend's site! (^^)

Wands official website

Language: Japanese
This is a standard official site.
First song was "Sekai ga owaru made wa", ending anime "Slamdunk". It is of course that my first touch with a band is in anime (^_^). This song is very cool, perfect intro, though it's old also. This band had been through reshuffle many times, but all songs I've listened are when the vocalist was Wesugi-san, so I don't know the difference. Soon I hope.

No title (Being artists)

Language: Chinese
The content is Being artists. tFOV, Wands, B'z, Zard, etc. Downloadable stuffs can be found there. By the way, my keywords were "field of view wands wallpaper" ^_^; And there are wallpapers, but not tFOV' nor Wands'...
It's in Chinese, which I totally can't understand. But language doesn't matter, as long as the status bar is not changed, so the link can still be followed!

Zard the Best

Language: English
All about Zard; lyrics translation, pic, wallpaper, music, anything. A plus of this site, IMHO, is the link section! It serves many, so many links! From here also I found sites with tFOV inside! So thanks to the master who very care about links! If you need more links to Zard sites (though I noted some), you may begin from here.


For Jpop Mp3, which is easier to use.

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