t F O V gallery...

Below are sites perform tFOV pictures. tFOV pictures on the net are actually... so many!! (I'm very surprised with this) Sites below not including unofficial sites.

FOVPlace... tFOV official site
A chance to pick big pictures is from top page. Top page is changed regularly, and it sometimes different from CD jacket. Don't use right click to save those big pictures, because they usually divided into parts. So save it as complete HTML, and make puzzle after!
Pictures from CD jacket are available, and of course music samples are available too!

Nippon Columbia
Too bad, it's out of date! You are late!! tFOV is no longer with Nippon Columbia! You won't be able to see how cute Asaoka-san is!
Too bad... too bad... (*I remember Bugs Bunny*) Because these pictures cannot be seen in other sites!
Full figure of member used to be available! They're cute!! (*^^*)

From this site, you may also link to tFOV official site. But Dreambox has its own top page for tFOV official site... means, different picture!! Right click is prohibited, but it's easy to handle! Just save it as complete HTML, and you'll get new picture... where Asaoka-san is in cute pose! ^___^

J-Rock Magazine
Choose year 1997, top column, you'll see the familiar word "FIELD OF VIEW" (*^^*)... and your chance to see Asaoka-san in live show is only one click away!!

Being Groups is running an alliance program with MP3.com. tFOV as a label artist from ZAIN Records now available there!
There is a different picture, and songs to listen... in complete version! ^___^

Music272 ...new
tFOV on regular TV program, "FOV's life". The picture of Kohashi-san can be found here, also his new year message.

club272 ...new
More pictures from "FOV's life". Kohashi-san and Niitsu-san available, in very good quality. ^___^
But you have to become member to be able to see those pictures, it's free. But there are some questions asking about Music272 channel... so can a foreigner become member?

to All 'bout tFOV
